Wednesday, May 25, 2011

quirky, cheesy, and perfectly romantic

Truth:  I have perhaps watched "While You Were Sleeping" 5,364 times.

Or at least something close to that.

[Another] truth?  I never get tired of it.  Ever.

I love it every.single.time.

Perhaps it is Lucy and how I relate to her.  Perhaps it's Jack and how real he is. Perhaps it's Jacks family and their quirkiness and off-beat dialogue and how I always feel like I'm a part of their family.  Perhaps it's how even though I've watched it 5,364 times (give or take a hundred), I still laugh out loud at that part at the beginning where the ice skater falls and that part in the middle where the paper boy falls off his bike.

Or maybe it's how at the end my heart is always completely convinced that love like that really exists.

I guess I'm already convinced of that anyway.  But this movie clenches it.

Really, I could go on forever about things that I love about this movie.  But for your sake, I won't do that.

But just to make your mouth water at the thought of watching it [uhh...make your eyes water?  make your brain ache?  none of these are sounding promising.], I'll leave you with a quote:

Jack: Maybe if we angle it a little. 
Lucy: I think it's wedged. 
Jack: Why don't you step back, I'm gonna try an old trick. 
Lucy: What's the trick? 
Jack: Push it really hard. 
Lucy: Ok, push. 
Jack: I did. 

And just one more for good measure:

Midge: These potatoes are so creamy. Mary mashed them.

p.s. I am also obsessed with The Princess Bride, most of the Jane Austen-based movies [Mormon Pride and Prejudice included - coughKATIEcough], and That Thing You Do.  Yes, you've got it.  All things quirky, cheesy, and/or perfectly romantic.


Cait said...

It shames me to admit this but since I've married TJ I've become a closeted chick flick fan. Well, fan is a little strong, but I like watching more chick flicks than single or dating Cait did. You're probably happy about that tidbit of info. Anyway, I love While You Were Sleeping. It's always been one of my favorite movies. BTW, have you ever seen what's up doc? I got it from the library the other day and made TJ watch it with me last night. We loved it.

Annie Citrine said...


Especially While You Were Sleeping.

And I think I will owe you for the rest of my life for letting me watch yours!

Tim said...

I must admit, I like these movies too! Perhaps it is because I am dating the girl that watches them 5,000+ times!!!!!!

Jana said...

We should watch WYWS sometime soon. Does this Friday count?

shirley elizabeth said...

Hey, ME TOO. All of those. Wow, you have such good taste in movies.

(my Word Verification word is "mothicar." Say it with a comic book accent.)