Wednesday, October 2, 2013

she's talking about sleeping AGAIN?

The very first song I ever sang in a vocal competition was a little number my voice teacher picked out.  I liked it, but I didn't really understand it.

It was called "Sleep, Why Dost Thou Leave Me?"

Oh, how I understand it now.

I have a feeling that if I could go back and sing it now with the feelings and emotions that I have now experienced, I would have gotten first place.

Let's just say Ellie's sleeping has only made slight improvements so far.  We're still trying different things, but I have a feeling this will require patience.  Lots and lots of patience.

It helps that she's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

That little smile undoes me every time.

Every morning on our walks, I get to look down and see that face and hear her cute noises and I have never been more motivated to exercise.  Plus, Ellie and I are rather fond of the view:

Those mountains awake in my heart an almost unquenchable ache to grab our tent and our sleeping bags and just go camping.  Forget that Tim has work for a few days and just go.

Unfortunately, I don't think Tim's work would appreciate the old "I forgot I have a job" excuse.

Now if I could just convince the weather to stay warm for a few more months.  Or for forever.  I'm not picky.  Sadly, the cold snap we had last week wasn't our first.  And it certainly won't be our last.  But I guess this Arizona girl could use some toughening up.

Last Sunday, we had just finished up a movie and were listening to the song that plays during the ending credits.  I stood up and started dancing with Ellie, and before very long, Tim got up and started dancing with us, too.  We laughed and giggled and probably looked so silly, but in the midst of all that silliness, Tim and I made eye contact.  It was one of those moments - those precious, fleeting moments - where you realize that everything you could ever want - everything you could ever dream of - is right there.

It doesn't matter where we live or where we end up or how our life plays out.

As long as I have them, my life will be a good one.

[The good news?  I get them forever.]


FWIL Sentimental Blog Content said...

Such a sweet post! I got chills reading about those moments- yes they happen, and they are the most precious things of all!

Kndbbdjk said...

Well put :) I love those precious little moments where Heavenly Father reminds us of just how blessed we are.