Tuesday, October 16, 2012

puzzle them home

Have you guys heard about Puzzle Them Home?

Neither had I until my cousin posted about it on facebook.  The fact that she knew this family personally made it personal to me and I was instantly curious.  I clicked on the link, read through the website, watched the video, and somewhere in the midst of it all realized there were tears falling freely down my face.

In case you don't feel like going to the website, I'll give you a rundown.  But first, watch this video:

I know this video is meant to be cute and funny, but it makes me cry every time.  Maybe it's because I'm pregnant.  Or maybe it's because this family is truly inspirational.

Ok, so if you aren't curious enough to go ahead and click on that link, I'll go ahead and give you that rundown now.  Basically, this family already has eight kids, three of whom are biological and five of whom are adopted.  All of the adoptive children and one of the biological children have special needs of some kind - anything ranging from blindness to no arms to severe autism to disorders I hadn't even heard of, like CLOVES syndrome.  And they want to adopt two more special needs children - one who has spina bifida and another who is blind.

Here's the thing.  This family has never asked for money, and they aren't asking now.  They just have some incredible neighbors who have grown to love this unique family and are aware of the unique challenges that come with having so many children with special needs.  These neighbors started Puzzle Them Home in order to help raise money to buy this family a more accommodating house - one that would allow for wheelchairs and switches that don't require arms.

Of course, you can donate financially.  But there are a few other ways to donate, too.  If you were at all touched by this story, just spreading the word would be a tremendous help!

And in the meantime, go watch that video a few more times.  I don't know about you, but each time I watch it, I'm inspired to be a better person.  And who couldn't use a bit more inspiration?


Unknown said...

That is the coolest thing ever! I've always wanted to adopt kids and they seem like amazing people!

The Greens said...

Katie! What a sweet and humbling blog post!! I don't know you, but I love you!!!! Somehow, Chrissy (the one who organized this whole thing) found this post and put it on facebook-- and it was so sweet to read it... made my day!

Thank you!


The Muse said...

Thank you so much for posting about this, Katie! If you haven't seen it yet, head to their blog... they just made a "Tweet, Tweet" video that is awesome... and is still making me cry. Thanks for helping to spread the word. They deserve every piece of this miracle. Love you!

katilda said...

I...like this. Good work.